"Get a Jump on Pollination" -Henry's Bullfrog Bees
Farmers ask us to take our hives out to their fields for pollination services. According to the Journal of Economic Entomology, pollinators add between 1.2 and 5.4 billion dollars in agricultural productivity in the United States. If you are interested in our pollination services contact Henry Harlan (530) 681-2971

Henry & Robin Harlan
Together Henry & Robin Harlan started Henry's Bullfrog Bees in 2007. In 2009 they created Pure Honey, which is a product and sister business of their apiary.

Henry's Bullfrog Bees & Pure Honey
You can find your favorite Henry's Bullfrog Bees & Pure Honey at www.purehoneyca.com
Pure Honey is a product of Henry's Bullfrog Bees. We diversify with varietals, infused honey, and other honey products.
For more information email: doneice@purehoneyca.com

Bee Yards
We are always looking for healthy open areas with a variety of blooms to place our bee hives. If you have a large open space and are interested in hosting a bee yard contact Henry Harlan (530) 681-2971.